The article is about how to know what a home workout is actually.
health and fitness information: Home workout is a popular word in women’s and men’s fitness. The home workout will help you to keep fit and healthy. Women who are always on the go can find time to do a home workout. Men can also find time to do a home workout. There are many benefits of doing a home workout. You can do a home workout anytime, anywhere. You don’t need any equipment or weights. You can do a home workout in your pajamas. You don’t have to go to the gym or pay for a membership. Home workouts are great for beginners. They are also great for people who don’t like going to the gym or working out in front of other people.
Benefits of Home Workout
Some people think that home workouts are not as effective as gym workouts, but this is not true. Home workouts can be just as effective as gym workouts, if not more so. The key is to find the right workout routine and stick to it.
The benefits of working out at home include:
-Convenience: You don’t have to travel to the gym or find a babysitter. You can work out whenever you want, for however long you want.
-Privacy: You can avoid the crowds and focus on your own workout.
-Cost savings: Gym memberships can be expensive, and you don’t need fancy equipment to get a good workout at home.
5 Most effective moves can be done at your home without equipment
The first thing that should be known about beginners’ fitness and health
These moves which I am going to explain will provide the full body workout
Complete at least 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps of each exercise and take 30-second rest in between each move
Example:15 rep of one move and then 30 sec rest .continue with this.
- Chair squat
So the first move would be squats or chair squats let’s see how to do this
Chair squats are very helpful for your legs and core and this gives strength to your legs. starting with squats will improve your posture and the body

Take any chair which usually people have in their home so it is not hard to find and then sit on the chair as I am going to show in this picture
Take a space in between your foot should be as wide as your shoulders and toes pointed slightly out then sit
Bend you knee in half seating possession sit until your hip touch the chair then stand up straight and allow your hand to straight
2. knee pushup

Knee pushups are a great way to work your chest and triceps without putting too much strain on your joints.
To do a knee pushup, start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees on the ground. Bend your elbows and lower your body toward the ground, stopping when your chest is an inch or two above the ground. Push back up to the starting position and repeat.
3. Straight-leg donkey kick
The Straight-leg Donkey Kick is a great way to work your glutes and hamstrings. Here’s how to do it: go through the steps or check the images below

1. Start on all fours with your hands and knees shoulder-width apart.
2. Keeping your left knee bent, raise your left leg up so that your foot is in line with your glute.
3. From here, kick your leg back and up as high as you can while keeping your hips square.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for 10-12 reps before switching sides.
The Side-lying hip abduction is a great way to tone the muscles in your hips and thighs.
4.Side-lying hip abduction

To do this exercise, start by lying on your side with your legs straight. Then, raise your top leg up as high as you can without arching your back. Hold for a count of two, and then slowly lower your leg back down to the starting position. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions before switching sides. see the posture in the picture below for a better understanding do check the site for diet and fitness articles, Healthy diet tips
5.Bicycle crunch
This is an easy way to exercise your lower abs that works every muscle in your stomach. The Bicycle crunch uses a lot of core muscles, the main ones being the transverse abdominals, the external obliques, and the rectus abdominals. See the image for a better way how to do this.

This was the article for home work out hope you will like the article and do follow this exercise at your home without any equipment more articles on health and nutrition
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