My Medi times: The Guide to Healthier Lifestyle

my medi times

My Medi Times: All of us need to find time and motivation to exercise regularly. It’s even more challenging for people who lead sedentary jobs. Fortunately, there are many ways you can improve your well-being without leaving the office. Moreover, the benefits of meditation are not just about stress reduction. A recent meta-analysis found that meditative practices have a positive impact on various aspects of psychological health, including self-regulatory abilities, response to stress, and measures of anxiety and depression. As a result, these eight easy meditation techniques will help you manage stress and improve your well-being at work.

 Breathing Meditation

Breathing meditation is a great way to calm your mind and relax your body. It can be done sitting or lying down and takes just a few minutes each day. Breathing meditation involves paying close attention to the sensation of your breath as it moves in and out of your body. As you focus on your breath, any other thoughts or feelings will begin to fade away. Your breathing may become slower and more controlled, which can help reduce stress and lower your blood pressure. You can do this whenever you are feeling stressed. It is best done for three to five minutes at a time, but you can do a shorter version if you don’t have time for a longer session.

 Body Scanning Meditation

Body scanning is a mindfulness practice that involves slowly scanning your body from head to toe, with particular attention to each part of your body. When you are experiencing pain or stress, you often become so focused on the source of the problem that your attention becomes narrowed. By using your attention to scan your body, you can rediscover the areas of your body that are relaxed, without being too focused on the source of pain. It also trains you to be more aware of your body, which can be a challenge when you are so focused on your work. By becoming more aware of how you are feeling, you can reduce stress and improve your overall wellbeing.

 Morning Ritual Meditation

Transforming your morning ritual into a meditation practice can bring many benefits. This can be a great way to start the day, helping you focus on positive thoughts and productive goals. You can do this meditation while sipping your morning tea, coffee, or other beverage. Alternatively, you can use it before you go to bed, creating a calming ritual that helps you relax and sleep better. To do this meditation, close your eyes and sit comfortably. Breathe slowly and deeply, noticing the sensation of each breath. When thoughts come into your mind, acknowledge them and then let them go. This is a good meditation for anyone, especially those who are new to meditating.

 Visu-Dharma Meditation

This meditation is based on the idea that visualization can help you achieve your goals. There are many different visualization techniques, but in general, you should focus on positive images. Visualization can be an effective way to reduce stress, improve focus, and achieve your goals. It is also easy to do at almost any time and has few requirements. Let yourself focus on positive images, such as your ideal day, a relaxing place, or a person/animal that makes you happy. Don’t force yourself to think about something specific. Instead, let your mind wander until you find something that feels right.

 Music/Sound Meditation

Listening to music is a great way to de-stress and relax. In fact, research shows that it is as effective as some relaxation techniques, such as meditation. One way to meditate while listening to music is a transcendental meditation technique called Santoor. This involves listening to music while sitting with your eyes closed, focusing on the sounds around you. You can also use meditation music to help with your meditation practice. While listening, focus on the sounds, allowing them to wash over you without analyzing them or relating them to other experiences.


While meditation is a great way to reduce stress, it is not a quick fix. It is important to commit to a regular meditation practice to experience the benefits. For best results, aim to meditate for 15–30 minutes every day. This might seem like a lot at first, but as you become more familiar with the practice, it will become easier. Moreover, the benefits of meditation are not just about stress reduction. A recent meta-analysis found that meditative practices have a positive impact on various aspects of psychological health, including self-regulatory abilities, response to stress, and measures of anxiety and depression. As a result, these eight easy meditation techniques will help you manage stress and improve your well-being at work.

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